# Ethereum Provider

We have our own Ethereum provider which can be injected into any new web3 or ethers instance. This means you can use the standard web3 or ethers interface to do all your blockchain calls and our Ethereum provider makes sure all those calls go through the authenticated leader Wallet instance.

Once you initialize the Wallet, the SDK will expose the Ethereum provider on the window, which can be used as the provider you inject when you create a new web3 or ethers instance.

The Ethereum provider conform to the EIP-1193.

// provider lives here in the FunFair Wallet SDK object

# Provider Methods

# request

The request method is intended as a transport- and protocol-agnostic wrapper function for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs).

interface RequestArguments {
  method: string;
  params?: unknown[] | object;
public async request(args: RequestArguments): Promise<unknown>;

    # send (DEPRECATED)

    This method is superseded by request.

    The send method is intended as a transport- and protocol-agnostic wrapper function for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs).

    public async send(method: string, params?: unknown[] | object): Promise<unknown> {}

      # sendAsync (DEPRECATED)

      This method is superseded by request.

      The sendAsync method is intended as a transport- and protocol-agnostic wrapper function for Remote Procedure Calls (RPCs).

      interface JsonRpcPayload {
        id: number;
        jsonrpc: string;
        method: string;
        // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
        result?: any | undefined;
        // tslint:disable-next-line: no-any
        params: Array<any>;
      public async sendAsync(request: JsonRpcPayload, callback: (error: ProviderRpcError | null, response: JsonRpcPayload | null) => void): void;

        # on and removeListener

        Event emitters fire on certain state changes.

        # accountsChanged

        This will fire when the user logs in and then if the ethereum account ever changes going forward. As the wallet only supports 1 ethereum account per login this will only fire once at the moment.

        public on('accountsChanged', listener: (accounts: string[]) => void): this;

          # chainChanged

          This will fire when the user logs in and then if the network changes going forward.

          public on('chainChanged', listener: (chainId: string) => void): this;

            # networkChanged (DEPRECATED)

            The event networkChanged is superseded by chainChanged.

            This will fire when the user logs in and then if the network changes going forward.

            public on('networkChanged', listener: (netId: string) => void): this;

              # isFunWallet

              This will return true if the provider is a FunFair Wallet.

              public get isFunWallet(): boolean

                # initOptions

                Returns the initialized options supplied.

                public get initOptions(): InitOptions | undefined

                InitOptions - The options supplied for the SDK

                  // the `NgZone` class angular allows you to inject
                  ngZone?: this._zone

                  # web3

                    # etherjs

                      All your web3 or ethers calls now will work as normal but proxy through to the Wallet. Use the library to now send transaction and do all things blockchain.


                      We don't support eth_sign, eth_signTransaction and eth_sendRawTransaction due to the security concerns with signing and not sending. You can only sign and send with our Wallet. Also eth_newFilter, eth_newBlockFilter, eth_getFilterChanges, eth_getFilterLogs, eth_uninstallFilter and eth_newPendingTransactionFilter are not supported by our nodes so will not work.