# User Information

POST: /server/userinfo?yourAppAddress

The information returned by this endpoint focuses mainly around KYC verification and (for gambling dApps) self-exclusion.

# Sample Request

  "appInfo": {
    "minimumAge": 21,
    "allowedCountries": [
  "userAddress": "0x48c3E004ADdf97206eE9F776e76DDCDBF7F71eA0",
  "userLocation": "CAN",
  "userIpAddress": ""

The userAddress field should be populated with the Ethereum account address for the user you wish to retrieve information for. This can be retrieved from the 'addr' claim in the JWT used by the user.

You will need to populate the userLocation with the three letter ISO code corresponding to their country, and the userIpAddress field with their IP address.

# Sample Response

  "userAccountId": "3fa85f64-5717-4562-b3fc-2c963f66afa6",
  "checks": {
    "canPlay": true, // Indicates whether a user's age and country allows them to play. They may also be explicitly banned so not allowed to play
    "hasRisksAssociated": true, // Indicates whether the user has had risks associated with them
    "kycVerified": true, // Indicates whether the user has been KYC verified
    "excluded": true, // Indicates whether the user has self-excluded
    "excludedType": "string", // The type of exclusion: 'ON_BREAK' (user taking a break; can't play, but break will end) or 'EXCLUDED' (self-excluded, forever)
    "exclusionReactivationDate": "2020-06-02T09:11:49.817Z" // The earliest termination date/time of any break
  "optedInToMarketing": true, // Indicates whether user has opted in to marketing communications
  "signers": [ // The list of the user's registered signers
  "ethereumAddress": "0x48c3E004ADdf97206eE9F776e76DDCDBF7F71eA0" // The Wallet's Ethereum address