# FunFair Wallet SDK
# Information
💡 The SDK is only ever linked to the leader instance.
💡 All communication goes from the leader > SDK.
💡 If the follower needs to emit, say, some tracking information, the flow would be:
Follower emits tracking event
> Leader picks it up emits it to
> dapp
💡 This way we only ever have one thing in control and the leader is the master in all of this.
💡 The leader speaks to the SDK for internal tasks without the dApp needing to do anything.
💡 The leader keeps the iframe height in sync.
💡 As it's embedded in the dApp it has super powers, like storage and other things.
💡 The leader is exposed on the window for easy Web use.
💡 It supports full typings.
💡 It handles web3 or etherjs libraries.
💡 Script is referenced to a place in the Wallet, so we can deploy fixes and new features without having to make every dApp update their package. The NPM package is just enums and typings.
💡 We use post-robot to perform nice communication with full compile time errors.
# Method Execution Flows
Click on the image to zoom in.
# Method Listeners Flows
Click on the image to zoom in.